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Sunday 30 September 2012

Tiny Spider In My Teapot

The story you are about to read is true, and has happened....

...a few minutes ago.


A tiny spider found a home
in my smallish yellow pot.
Opening the teapot's lid,
I have freaked the spider out.
In a frenzy to escape,
dodging shadows, dodging light,
in silly circles he did run,
the tiny spider in my pot.
As I brought the kettle over,
boiling water in to pour,
I noticed the tiny spider
and of one thing I was sure;
a tea bag will serve me better
on this tired autumn's day.
So, I closed my teapot's lid
and took the kettle far away.
Tiny spider in my teapot,
your useless struggles were hard to see,
because today, oh tiny spider,
we resemble Fate and me.