Dearest Alex,
I'm sick again! This makes it the 8th time this year. Today is the first day I actually managed to sit on a chair without feeling dizzy.
Obviously my work is postponed, till I can sit for at leas an hour or two.
I'm having trouble designing the king's robes, but on the plus side I think I've figured out another two-page spread for "AIMH". It is not the lizards, but at leas it's something. I hope tomorrow I'll be strong enough to sit and draw.
Hate being sick. Hate that I catch everything that goes around. Hate that I'm always sicker than the people around me. My sister can function with a cold and is well after two days. I cannot even sit up for two days, and the fever is not even that high 37.6 or so.
Think I'll go back to bed.