
Follow my journey, my struggle to success.
You can learn more, or you can learn less.
Enjoy the artwork, read what you will.
Don't be afraid to share your own skill(s).

This blog is now Mili Fay Art Blog

Sunday, 12 February 2012

AIMH--Another Page Done!

Dearest Alex,

I just have to write and say that another page (or actually 4 pages if you want to be precise, since I merged 2 two-page spreads into a 1 two-page spread) is done.  Finally, I can move on to cougars and more drawing.

I need to update my site, but I'm tired of computers, so I'll leave that for another day.  I also need to finish my Horsing Around Blog, but I don't have it in me at the moment.

I miss drawing, so that's what I intend to do.

Anyway, I'm including a portion of the image I completed to "wet the appetite", as they say.

Will write more later!