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This blog is now Mili Fay Art Blog

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Help me!

Dearest Alex,

I need to draw to ballet dancers, and I found some compositions that I like.  They are rough, but I cannot choose which one I should do.  I'd like to do them both, but if I do not have the time, which one do I draw first?
This is Tatijana and Evgenije Onjegin
("Onegin" ballet--don't know why it's written like that in English.)

This is from "Italian Straw Hat".

So, any ideas?  Which one should I draw?

On another note, I've finished another two-page spread for AIMH.  Here you can take a look at my Eastern Cougar.  I don't know if they have blue eyes, or yellow eyes--because I found pictures with both colours.  However, I thought yellow looked more dangerous, so for this, the most realistic of images in my book, I decided to go with yellow.

Eastern Cougar

So, what do you think?

Would appreciate any comments.

My choir is performing tonight at Kearner Hall (I think that's how you spell it), so I must go and get ready.  I'm not singing, since I lost my voice when I was sick and have forgotten how to breathe properly, but my dad is singing.  It will be nice to be in the audience for a change.  When I use to sing, all I could hear are tenors and sopranos.  Now, hopefully, I'll get the full impact of the entire choir. :-)
