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This blog is now Mili Fay Art Blog

Sunday, 5 August 2012


Every household should have one.  :-)

This is one of the creatures from my fantasy novel, WofV, which I have been writing since I was 16.  English not being my first language, I've never felt confident enough about grammar and style to send it to a publisher.  However, now that I'm a member of an amazing fantasy writing group, IDE, I hope to finally polish my novel enough to brave sending it to prospective publishers.

The above is a sketchy pen drawing (sketched over blue pencil), that I've spent far too long digitally colouring.  You can tell it's digital, because it looks so shiny!  However, it's been a while since I've done anything digitally, so I figured--why not?

Though I bought books on digital painting, I have done no more than look through the pretty pictures.  Hopefully, I'll be able to pick up some fancy techniques soon.

Drawing this was fun!  However, this is not the style I'll be working with when I illustrate my novel.

Enjoy Broominicks!
