
Follow my journey, my struggle to success.
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This blog is now Mili Fay Art Blog

Wednesday, 18 April 2012


Dearest Alex,

It's been a while since I wrote last, and so much has happened that I'm not sure where to begin.

I suppose I should begin with CANSCAIP's Illustration Night. Barbara Reid and Michael Martchenko were the guest illustrators and it was a fun night. I'm sure I would have been more excited if I grew up in Canada and therefore would have grown up with their books. However, the talk was amusing and I've never seen anything like Reid's work before. I never would have thought that one could paint with plasticine.

I did meet two lovely ladies, and have enjoyed talking with them. Stephanie B. is an aspiring author and illustrator. Her illustrations are very cheerful and absolutely perfect for children's books. You can check out her blog here:

Ishtar M. is a writer and she critiques those awfully difficult query letters. You can find her blog here:

Today, it's been a week since that night. The weekend went by quickly. We had guests for Good Friday (though I'm not very religious I do like Easter and I am Orthodox), Saturday was cleaning day, Easter on Sunday, and Monday I finally managed to get my April "Art: Help!" article done. This article introduces visual language and elements and principles of design. If you are serious about studying art and/or have personal thoughts on the subject, please visit the blog.

Yesterday, I finally finished those three paintings for AIMH. Now, I need to fit them together and figure out the placement of the text. However, I think I want to ink the next pages for painting first.

I feel very tired and my mind is muddy. I think it has something to do with all the medicine I'm swallowing daily. Apparently, my body is not as cleansed as it should be, so my naturopath suggested a more powerful regime. It leaves me feeling as weak as a vegetable, and I barely have the strength to leave my bed in the morning--I who have always been a morning person.

My skin is ruined, covered in acne and pocked-marked sores. I can't leave the house without a thick layer of makeup. I'm sick of wearing makeup, so I hide indoors, like some modern Phantom of the Opera. However, I do believe I will brave the outside today, as soon as I have a short nap.

20 min. should do it.
