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Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Time Slips Away...

Dearest Alex,

Yesterday I was a vegetable.

I have no idea why.  Is it the weather?  Is it the holiday diet?  Whatever it is, yesterday I was a vegetable.

Today I got up, somewhat spacey, but determined to work through any threatening vegetative states and get some painting out of the way.  In other words, get back to work.

I started the day by reading "Oil Painting Techniques and Materials" by Harold Speed.  A rather interesting book, since it was first published in 1924.  It's interesting, because when you think about it this book was written before the Great Depression, World War II, space age... What the author keeps referring to as "Modern Art" is surely Fauvism.  The language is much more colourful, and the artist keeps going off on tangents that may drive most people crazy today.  I'm fond of reading classics, so the language does not bother me.  However, I am angry at the publishers, because they have not bothered to replace image-plates with colour reproductions.  Honestly, colour printing is not that expensive and it would improve this book 100%.   How can anyone learn anything about colour by looking at a black and white reproduction?  I had to go online and search out those paintings, something I should not have to do if the book was properly updated.  So far that is the only complaint I have, I will let you know what I think of the book once I'm finished with it.

After reading (which I do as I eat breakfast), I got ready for the day, cleaned, had lunch and went off for a walk and to pick up "Starting an Online Business For Dummies" by Gred Holden from the library.  I did some grocery shopping and I came across a poor old man begging for money.  Sights like that kill me inside.  What does it say about our society when we cannot afford to take care of the elderly, but can afford to spend $1000 on designer shoes (if not more, I wouldn't know, none of my shoes are designer)?  I'm against giving money, but I did purchase a $10 giftcard at Tim Hortons, so that the poor man could at least get something to eat.  Though I feel good about doing that, I feel guilty, because my own income at the moment is pretty much non-existent.  Until I get another commission, I really should not spend money that I don't have, but somehow, I could not help it.

I got back home around 15:00 (the day was warm, and they are threatening us with rain and snow tomorrow, so I took a short walk), and I proceeded to sketch a drawing for a friend's birthday--he's turning 30 today--THE BIG ONE!  I intended to do just a sketch, but when I scanned it I decided to colour it as well.

Three steps for having a perfect birthday:
1.       Eat some apple and carrot cake (or any cake you prefer).
2.       Chit-Chat with good friends (serve them cake if you have any left after step 1.)
3.       Dance!  Bring on some dance moves throughout the day. (Sure people may think you’re crazy, but WHO CARES: It’s time to celebrate!)

(The above is the text I included with the image.)

I intend to create a nice watercolour card out of this image to give to friends this year, but at the moment I need to focus on AIMH, so this sketch will have to do.

I did what I intended, but then I got distracted by messages, e-mail, website notices, etc.

Now its 19:09 and it's far too late for me to go and paint.  I like to start a fresh painting with a fresh and bright mind.  At the moment, I'm feeling sleepy and somewhat hungry.

So, Alex, the point is time slipped away.

Tomorrow, I will paint, I promise!
