
Follow my journey, my struggle to success.
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Enjoy the artwork, read what you will.
Don't be afraid to share your own skill(s).

This blog is now Mili Fay Art Blog

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

FACEBOOK: Thank You Contest

It has been almost a year since Mili Fay Art came into existence. To thank you for keeping my name alive on the Internet, and as a special treat, this Halloween I've created a contest with an

(Worth ~ $1000 CAN)

(However, since this contest is all about you, if you have something you would wish to receive as a gift from Mili Fay Art feel free to post a suggestion and I will take it under advisement as I make up the prize box.)

The contest is open to anyone, but to play you will need a Facebook Account because it is happening on Mili Fay Art's Facebook Page.

The Thank You Contest runs from today (October 31st 2012), until January 15th 2013.


Once a week Levinia (the sphinx pictured in the sketch) will ask a riddle.

The first person to answer the riddle correctly will receive a point.

Whoever has the most points by January 15th 2013 wins.

Have fun, and may the best Riddler win!


Mili Fay

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Emperor Trajan

Well, the portrait is finally done.  Hopefully, tomorrow I can finish the game cards, and then I can return to AIMH until NG gets back to me.  Considering that I have had no word from them in weeks, I'm starting to think that they may decide to use another artist.

That is my problem.  There are too many things I want to do, and unfortunately I am only a single person.  If I was at least like superman...  Then maybe I could get tasks done much faster, though I doubt it would help with painting--unless it's digital.

You can tell I'm tired, since I'm going off on weird tangents.

Enjoy Trajan and wish me luck for Apollodorus.

If you have any suggestions on what an architect wore in ~ 105 AD, please, PLEASE, let me know.



See the progression of painting:

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


I have not heard from NG after sending them my roughs, and I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps they cannot visualise the finished product from my sketches. So, I decided to complete the one painting I do not need the art director's input on, because I have only one vision for it.

If you would like to see the portrait progression, please visit my Facebook Page:
Mili Fay Art

The image included is my progress after ~ 10 hours of painting.

As always, questions and comments are welcome. :-)