
Follow my journey, my struggle to success.
You can learn more, or you can learn less.
Enjoy the artwork, read what you will.
Don't be afraid to share your own skill(s).

This blog is now Mili Fay Art Blog

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Happy Holidays!

I just want to thank you all for standing by me as I journey through the murky world of art and publishing.  I wish you all the happiest of holidays, and even better days for 2015!

Feel free to download and share this image with your loved ones.




Mili Fay, a Toronto-based artist, classical animator, illustrator, writer, and singer, is an award winning graduate of Sheridan College and Art Instruction Schools.  In November of 2011 she created Mili Fay Art determined to support the world one artwork at a time.

Her latest published work is Animals In My Hair; a story about a boy who goes for his first haircut only to find endangered animals falling out of his hair.  Presented at INSPIRE! Toronto International Book Fair (November 14, 2014) out of 700+ submissions, Animals In My Hair, is the world’s first ever Artwork Book; a new type of picture book that seamlessly combines the best features of fine art, picture books, activity books, and educational books.

In accordance with Mili Fay Art’s vision, 30% of all profits from Animals In My Hair book and merchandise will be donated to wildlife conservation.

Join Mili Fay Art Fan Club to stay in touch with Mili Fay and to be the first to find out of her upcoming books and artworks.

Mili Fay Art: “Together we support the world one artwork at a time.”

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Why am I not posting more?

Hello everyone!

Even though the struggle continues, lately it has been less of an artist's struggle, and more of a publisher's struggle.  I'm considering ending this blog. This blog has been about everything, but I have found it is more convenient for everyone if I have a separate blog for each topic.

Therefore, I have:

Art: Help!--which I have not updated in ages, but which will help artists figure out some concepts and techniques.  I promise to get to this blog when things settle down a bit.

Mili Fay: Adventures In Publishing--which is about my publishing journey.  It may help other authors and illustrators.  It is also a place where you can find out about free promos.  Such as the one I'm having on Saturday. :-)

Mili Fay: Mini-MEs--where I post every single Mini-ME I create.  This is what I do when I need to take a break from other forms of art. :-)

and finally:

Is DIGITAL ART better than TRADITIONAL ART?--where I'm trying to solve the dilemma for myself and others.  So far, I like Digital Art for sketching (on a cintiq of course) and Traditional Art for finished pieces, because I have a beautiful piece of art I can sell.  With digital art, all you get are art prints. :-(

Artists struggle to success has been more of a diary and a hodge-podge of ideas.  Lately I do not know what to post here.

If you have any ideas of what you would like to see on this blog, please let me know.  Otherwise, it may be time to say goodbye.



Thursday, 22 May 2014


"Together we support the world one artwork at a time."

I am devastated by the horror stories I keep hearing from my family and friends in Serbia and Bosnia.  The news channels are saying that the destruction caused by rains is worse than the one caused by 1990s war, or NATO bombing.  As far as people know, there has never been such flooding in the Balkans’ region, and the authorities are not prepared to deal with the aftermath.

For this reason, I have decided to donate 1$ from every item purchased at the Wychwood Barns and TIAM Markets this weekend (May 24th/25th).  I have further decided to create a PDF colouring book featuring Mili Fay Art Favourites artwork, and donate any proceeds (minus Gumroad’s fee).  You can purchase the colouring book here for $0+.  I just wish I could do more.

I will write my usual Newsletter in June.

Thank you for understanding.

Friday, 2 May 2014


Now that my book is published and looking perfect, my greatest struggle is getting it in front of my audience, a.k.a. MARKETING.

I'm all over the Internet, but though I connect with other authors and artists, I'm not reaching the people who want to buy my book.

How do I know who these people are?

I truly believe that everyone would love my book, but not everyone NEEDS my book. To find your audience you need to know who falls in the second category. By going to markets and fairs I have discovered that people who purchase my book have young children in their lives; they are parents, grandparents, teachers...

So, I should be targeting mommy blogs, baby and children's stores, schools... But how do I reach people without coming across as a self-serving creep?

I have no idea.

Thankfully, I have just discovered something called a Book Marketing Challenge. It begins this Monday, May 5th, so if you want to get the FREE Silver Pass and check it out:

I have just signed up for Gold Membership so what you see above is my affiliate link.

I honestly hope it helps me out, because doing everything on my own is a tad overwhelming. ;-)

I'll blog about my experience, so if you have any questions let me know.



Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Going To The Market: An Artist's Perspective

Those who know me really well know that I am terrified of the spotlight, I am terrified of speaking in public, and I would rather go to the dentist with a cavity than sell my own work. 

However, I also truly believe that I can use the talents that I have to make this world a better place, and if I have to do all of the above to achieve that goal, I am more than willing to do every one of those things and more.

There are tricks I have learned that have made going to the market less of a terrifying experience, and more one of pleasure.  I will share these tricks with you at the end of this post, but let me share a bit more of my experience first.

Before my first public market, I was a complete mess.  I love my work the way every parent loves their child, and to have it on display and have complete strangers approach me and judge it right before my eyes...  >>shudder<<

I have been very fortunate that there was not a single person since I placed my work on public display that bashed my work.  (There was once a woman terrified of owls who pulled her friend away from my stand, but that's about all the negative feedback I have ever received.)

Most people at markets and online love my work.  Even people who do not have children tell me that they love my work and that they wish they had children to share it with.  As an artist struggling to make a living doing what I love such words are a balm to my soul.  There are some people who do not have children that buy an image I created for the child they once were.  (I always do that at markets J.) 

However, there are people who pass by my work giving it no more than a glance. 

There are also people who pass by my work, take a good look at it, and then run away before I have time to say "Hello."

Going to the market I have realised that no matter how good my work is, it is not a necessity.  Nobody needs art to survive.  People buy art because looking at it makes them happy, not because they need it to be happy.  The only people who buy my work are the ones who: love books and appreciate the time and skill it took to create mine (as well as the top-notch quality); find my book useful for teaching children; are looking to decorate a kid's room; need a baby-shower gift; or find an image that speaks to them personally.

Those people are my customers.  Therefore, to earn a living, I should only go to markets that cater to such customers.  

Sadly, Toronto Indie Arts Market in not the market populated by such attendees.  A few of them stroll by from time to time, but most people who attend are not there looking for children's art and quality children's books.  Toronto Indie Arts Market is in the artsy area of the city frequented by artists, people on-the-go, and historically-minded tourists.  At this market people are looking for artsy prints, out-there works of art, zines, comics, wearable art, home-made soaps, and unusual gifts.

So, what am I doing at TIAM?

I will answer that, but first let me tell you what I have promised to tell you in the title of this post.

It does not matter how many markets I have attended, before every market I am a mess.  I am obsessed with providing quality, and not just the quality of my work, but quality of presentation as well.  I have to have my handmade receipts, stickers, shopping bags, and display sets just right.  I have to have the appropriate clothing and name tags for myself and my voulonteers.  After all if I could find fault with something, why should I expect my future customer to overlook that fault?  On the last day, before I go to sleep, all my boxes and bags are packed strategically in a grown-up Tetris fashion.

On the day of the market, I wake up early.  I have a sizeable breakfast, because experience has taught me that I will not have time to eat (snacking on a pretzel, or some nuts, is all I can manage during the day).  Besides, as an artist and creator I feel I should always be there to answer questions and sign my work.  Taking half an hour for lunch is just not practical.

After breakfast, I get dressed and apply makeup so I do not look as tired as I feel.  I check that I have everything by checking off items on a list, and I stuff all I'm bringing into a car.  Then, because there are always parking issues, I get someone to drop me off (usually my dad).

Arriving at the market, I wonder if I will get a bad spot.  Ever since my horrible position at my first market (The Word On The Street 2013), I have become slightly obsessed with having a good location.  A good location makes a difference between earning a living, or getting into more debt.

This past Saturday, my location was not good.  I was placed at the bar, and my work was too high up to be seen by children.  I was also trapped where I was by my neighbours.  I had about a foot and a half square of space to move in.  But, that is the luck of the draw for a market that does not let you choose your spot.  I just have to make do with what I’ve got.

My sister (who was my volunteer for the day) helped me to set up our display.  The moment we were ready she took my photo so that I could have one to share online.  Full disclosure: I do not like having my picture taken, but I am the face of Mili Fay Art, so I need to have at least one photo for display.

Mili Fay at TIAM
If there is time, I go quickly through the market to meet my fellow artists.  I love meeting new artists and seeing their work.  I always feel bad for not making purchases, but I have made a deal with myself that I will not buy anything on the days go vending; unless I find something I need and not something I want.  So, I take the cards from artists I admire and put them in the wish-list pile at home.

This time, the following artists caught my eye:

The fabulous earrings of "The FEEL Collection": 

Bolo cowboy string tie neckwear of "Around The Collar".  I loved the resin with screws and the refurbished watches:

Homemade pouches and purses of "dewson":

The unusual style of Paper Dog Press:

Quillad and Geek Collateral Media: 

A whole world in a bowl! Charming terrariums by "Field Day Terrariums":

Beautiful ink illustrations and book of Dan Holst Soelberg:

Stunning wearable handmade paper art of "FoldIT Creations":

Funny and beautiful cards by "Gotamago": 

Fantasy art by MJ Alexander:

Gorgeous jewellery by "Mizdragonfly": 

"Sweatshop" home-sewn bags and products by young and talented students: 

Before 11 am any market tends to be slow.  Attendance picks up around 11:30 and a steady stream of people keeps coming until 3 pm.  There are no breaks during that time.  If you are planning to take a break at your market, have one outside of that timeframe.  Once, I went for a walk to stretch my legs, because there were no customers for a while, and the moment I was in the other room I got a call from my friend to get my butt back at the table to sign my work.  Lesson learned. 

I always remain standing.  It is something I have learned from my previous markets and from working as a CSR at Blockbuster.  Standing is a sign of respect.  By standing, you also show you are approachable, engaged, and are not just waiting for time to go buy.

So, why do I go to TIAM when I know my customers are not to be found there?

Because I always meet interesting people, I get to see who buys my work (market research), and I love the way it feels when people try to convince me that my work is amazing.  :-D  Having an option to sit at home, or interact with artists and interesting people, I will always choose the latter.  I feel I'm always learning something. Even if I do not make a sale, I usually make some friends and earn useful advice.  Besides TIAM is affordable enough that I will not cry myself to sleep if I do not cover the costs of vending. (Thankfully, that has not happened to this day.)

Cutest Fan--Thank you dad for allowing us to take this picture.
I also love seeing children's reactions to my work.  If kids do not like something, you will know.  I create the work for them and seeing their eyes light up and their faces filled with wonder is the best encouragement to continue doing what I am.  And there are days when I need that encouragement.  On those days I recall their happy faces, and I get by.

Sadly, because I have invested heavily in other future markets, I will no longer attend a mixed-media TIAM, but I will continue to attend all book events, and if they decide to have an all children's event, I will be there for sure.

At last I will tell you the tricks that get me over the terror of THE MARKET: 

Stop thinking of it as THE MARKET; stop thinking of making money to cover the costs (thinking of it does not help), and just enjoy sharing your work with others.  If "disasters" happen, think of them as "funny stories to be" that you can share with your followers.  NO ONE will tell you that your work sucks, but if you feel they are thinking it, ask them about it so you can learn and improve.  You will never please everyone, so do not bother to try.  Do what you love, and share your work with others of the same mind--no matter what you are doing there are people out there who are dying to discover your work, going to the market helps you find them.

Well, this post is long enough.

If you have any questions, never hesitate to ask.



Thursday, 27 February 2014

Did you know there is an Author Marketing App for Facebook?

I had no idea, until I saw it on a page I decided to Like.

It is a nice bright red colour that calls to the eye:

You can see it in the App Menu above

On the actual page you can add your information, your books, and even the book signing events coming up.

Time will tell how useful of a marketing tool it is.



Friday, 14 February 2014


UPDATE: To see this image in full colour, see HERE.

Unfortunately, though not unusually, life has interfered with my plans again, and as a result I was unable to finish "Sense and Sensibility" Mini-ME as I have planned for this special day.  However, I do have an outline, so if you are in the mood for colouring feel free to do so.  Colonel Brandon and Marianne will grace my pages in full colour very soon.  Until then, you can say I love you the "Pride and Prejudice" and "Warriors of Virtue" way.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Please Note: You can copy, share and print artworks below as much as you like, as long as you give credit to Mili Fay or Mili Fay Art, and link back to this page. You CANNOT modify the artwork in any way (other than to colour the colouring page).

Love Valentine

Friendship Valentine
"Warriors of Virtue": Lauraliee and Emerald

Friday, 7 February 2014

"How Do I Develop A Unique Style?"

My "Style"

I know where this question comes from.  In my first year at Sheridan College, I got really upset when my 2D Design teacher told me that my work was good but cliché.  I became obsessed with finding a unique style, only to realize years later that I had a “style” all along.  In my painting class even though we were given the exact same materials and the exact same model, not one of the paintings produced by the entire class looked similar. Not one.

Therefore, I have concluded that each of us is born with a “style”, or the unique way of looking at the world around us. 

My advice to students is stop worrying about “style” and to work on their skills.  Picasso was obsessed with developing a “style” and I feel that after he has reached a certain point his work stopped growing as a result.  On the other hand, Monet painted.  Looking at a lifetime of Monet’s paintings you can see growth in his skills and changes in his “style”.

Give yourself a break and do what you love.

I promise you, you will find someone who will love your work… even if others see it as “cliché”.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

MILI FAY ART: First Digital Picture Book

As mentioned in the newsletter, I have decided to create my first ever digital picture book.  I intend to document everything.  From beginning to end.  A real life "Art Of..." book.  If you are interested you can follow my progress on my new blog: "Is DIGITAL ART better than TRADITIONAL ART?"

As always, feel free to ask any questions and I'll answer them ASAP.


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

MILI FAY ART: Newsletter January 2014

Inline image 4
"Together we support the world one artwork at a time."

HAPPY NEW 2014th YEAR!!!

At the beginning of every year I tend to reflect on my past.  

Thinking about where I was and where I am, I would like to express my overwhelming gratitude for your unstinting support.  Whether it was through invaluable guidance, purchasing and sharing my artworks, or being the best friends anyone could ask for, I would not be where I am today if it was not for all off you, so thank you for being a part of my life.

As you know, my dream is to use my talents to amuse, enlighten, and support our world.  It is because of your support that Mili Fay Art has been able to donate $255 to Sick Kids Hospital at the end of 2013.  That We have been able to raise funds for a children's hospital has shown me that my dream is just steps away from becoming reality.  That donation is just the first of many to come, so thank you for choosing Mili Fay Art over so many other amazing products and services.

Inline image 2

Thank you also to everyone who has attended the holiday TIAM in that horrible winter storm that has left many stranded on the streets; wishing they were smart enough to invest in winter tires, only to discover from their friends that even winter tires did not help much.

Now that 2013 has bid us adieu, what does 2014 hold for Mili Fay Art?

I have stopped bothering with New Year Resolutions a few years back.  There is nothing more depressing than creating a list of things to accomplish by the end of the year, only to have Life maliciously interfere with your plans, leaving you smiling over holiday toasts while John Lennon's "So, this is Christmas, and what have you done?..." keeps playing over and over in your mind.

Instead of New Year Resolutions, this year I have a digital list on my phone of things I intend to accomplish, without a massive due date waiting at the end.

I intend to continue to promote "Animals In My Hair" Artwork Book, because thanks to you now I KNOW that it is an amazing product that brings joy and hours of amusement to children and their families not just in Canada and USA, but overseas as well.  If I finally figure out marketing, I hope to have my first donation handed to wildlife conservation in the near future.

I have begun to schedule speaking engagements for 2014.  Therefore, if you are a teacher and would like me to attend your class or art class please let me know.

I intend to finally update to reflect Mili Fay Art's new vision.  I have managed to find the time to finish Animals In My Hair section of the site yesterday.  As a further thank you for your support, for a limited time, the exclusive AIMH Members section is open to everyone.  I invite you to check it out, because I will NEVER open this section to the general public again.  For details, please see here.

Inline image 3

I've decided to create Mili Fay Art's first all-digital picture book using Procreate App, Lynktec's stylus, and iAuthor.  This project is an exciting experiment to see if digital artwork is really equal to traditional artwork.  As source material, I intend to illustrate Horsing Around's "Dream, Little Dreamer" lullaby.  You can hear me sing the whole lullaby here.  For those of you interested in my artistic process, I will document the creation of the book.  If you do not wish to miss a post, let me know.  As this is a "Horsing Around" product a portion of the profits will be donated to local children's hospitals.

In 2014 I will continue to write for my popular "Art: Help!" Blog, and I hope to bring back the AIMH Monthly Art Contest.  If you would like me to keep you updated, let me know.

There are other half-baked projects rising in my mind, but I will let you know of them when they are close to being baked. 

For now: HAPPY NEW 2014th YEAR!!!

Wishing you and your families all the best!

Mili Fay

If you do not wish to receive this e-mail in the future just e-mail me at:  If this e-mail was forwarded to you by a friend and you wish to receive it in the future e-mail me a Username and your e-mail at:  If you have any questions, you can always reach me at: or

Follow Mili Fay Art on: FacebookBlogger, and Twitter for extra goodies.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


It is finally here! Animals In My Hair section has been published Online, and for a limited time everyone has access to the AIMH Member's only section.*

I will NEVER open this websites section to the general public ever again, so check it out today. It is your one chance to get original full resolution Mili Fay Art AIMH Art Prints and colouring pages for FREE. Plus, there are many other fun features to explore.

So, check it out, share this event with others, and let me know what you think:


And thank you all for your support.


* Except for the "Visual Puzzles". To protect the book's integrity that section is only available to individuals who have purchased the book. If you have purchased the book, you can register for your lifetime membership now: